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Showing posts from September, 2021

refelection: 9-27-21

 Today in class we learned about the synthesis essay. In a synthesis essay you get sources. You use the sources to pull evidence from and support a claim. There are many types of source. The types are data, image, article , website ,and newspapers. 

Reflection: 9-22-21

  Today in class we analyzed a long poem . This poem was written by Emily Dickinson like the one from Monday. Next we read the poem twice, once just to get a feel. The second to try and break the poem down. While reading we identified rhetorical devices. We also defined any words we weren’t familiar with.We found deeper meanings to key phrases. We summarized the poem and found the theme of the poem. Lastly, we made claims based on the poems and supported it with evidence from the poem.  

Reflection; 9-21-21

 Today in class we wrote an essay. The essays prompt was a bit lack luster but wasn't my actual complication. Since I wrote it on paper it was much harder to skip through my essays like I usually do. I also write slow. Anyways, I stated off by choosing a position then making 3 claims, which was my thesis. Next, I began to write my first body paragraph. In the body paragraph I started with the claim. I then found evidence and explained my evidence twice. I ended the paragraph with a conclusion sentence. Sadly I didn't make it much farther. 

Reflection; 9-20-21

 Today in class I analyzed two poems Emily Dickinson. Next we read the poem twice. Once just to get a feel. The second to try and break the poem down. While reading we identified rhetorical devices, we saw personification, and similes. We also defined any words we weren’t familiar with.We found deeper meanings to key phrases. We summarized the poems and found the theme of the poems. Lastly, we made claims based on the poems and supported it with evidence from the poems.  

Reflection: 9-15-21

 Today in class I analyzed a poem. We started with inferring what the poem is going to be about from the title.  Next we read the poem twice. Once just to get a feel, the second to try and break the poem down. While reading we identified rhetorical devices. We also defined any words we weren’t familiar with.We made a chart to find the literal an figurative meaning of different parts of the poem.  We summarized the poem and found the theme of the poem. Lastly, we made claims based on the poem and supported it with evidence from the poem.  

Reflection: 9-14-21

Today in class I read a poem. The poem was called Birch Tree. It was a long poem so we broke it down along the way. It started off by the man encountering a birch tree and hoping kids played on it Like he once did. We depicted rhetorical devices, like a simile. We then determined the theme of the poem. The theme was don’t take life for granted.

Reflection: 9-13-21

Today in class I analyzed a poem. We started with inferring what the poem is going to be about from the title.  Next we read the poem twice. Once just to get a feel, the second to try and break the poem down. After this we found the setting, and  identified rhetorical devices. We also defined any words we weren’t familiar with. We summarized the poem and found the theme of the poem. Lastly we inferred the outcome of the actions in the poem. 

Reflection 9-9-21

 Today in Mr.Rease’s American Literature Class, I did an Essay. The introduction paragraph consist of a hook, the introduction of the topic, and the thesis. In the introduction I used a three point thesis statement. The body paragraph consist the claim, two pieces of evidence, and an explanation for each evidence. My next body paragraph was my counter claim: it consisted a counter claim, two pieces against the counter claim, and two explanation. My last paragraph was the conclusion, in my conclusion I reinstated my thesis.

Reflection: 9-7-21

  Today in class we did a practice body paragraph. Before writing  a body paragraph you must have a thesis. In the thesis you must have a topic and three claims. In the body paragraph you use a claim from your thesis. You then restate the claim. After this you cite evidence from experience, observation or readings. Then you explain your evidence, You cite evidence and explain the evidence at least twice. Lastly you conclude the paragraph. We also talked about the format of conclusion paragraphs. In a conclusion you restate the thesis, and end with a bang with a three sentence minimum. 

Reflection; 9-3-21

 Today in class we did a practice body paragraph. Before writing  a body paragraph you must have a thesis. In the thesis you must have a topic and three claims. In the body paragraph you use a claim form your thesis. You then restate the claim. After this you cite evidence from experience, observation or readings. Then you explain your evidence, You cite evidence and explain the evidence at least twice. Lastly you conclude the paragraph. 

Reflection : 9-2-21

 Today in class Mr.Rease re-instilled the format of a Argument essay. At the beginning of an argumentative essay you have a introduction. In the introduction, you want to start with something to catch the readers attention. Also in the introduction you want to put your thesis at the end of the introduction paragraph. The type of thesis used for the assignment was the 3 point, because its meant to be used on basic five paragraph essays.  Next is the body paragraph. In the body paragraph you have your claim, the evidence to support your claim, and a explaination. 

Reflection: 9-1-21

Today in class we talked about the 2 types of thesis statements. The first type is the 3 point thesis statement. The 3 point thesis statement is the thesis where you state your position and 3 claims. This is used for smaller essays. The second type is the umbrella thesis statement. The umbrella thesis statement is where you state your topic , the point, and allude to the claim. This is used for larger essay, where you need to broaden your claim to have more to talk about.