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Showing posts from October, 2021

Reflection: 10-29-21

Today me in class we presented the work we did yesterday. We listened to the others group present and engaged. Group one presented the first half of chapter six. Group two presented the second half of chapter six. I had the second half of chapter two and was the summarizer. I think i did a pretty good job with summarizing and connecting.

reflection: 10-28-21

 Today in class we read chapter six of wild. In groups of 3-4 we separated and completed an related task. My task was the summarizer. As the summarizer I give a summary, key details, and make a connection. In my portion of the chapter we see Cheryl run into different wild life. The sees a bear, rattlesnakes, and got swarmed by ants. She also met fellow hikers on the trail. At the end of the Chapter there’s a flashback. In this flashback we get a closer look into she and Pauls dynamic during their divorce. It wasn’t mess or petty at all’ it was a mutual. 

One pager : 10-27-21



 Today in class we reviewed our homework assignment. The home work was twenty  questions guiding us through chapter four . In chapter  four  we get more insight on Cheryl’s life pre trail. We see that in her vulnerability she meets a man Joe and began doing drugs, more specifically heroin with him. We also see her initial response to the rigor of the trail. Her initial response was regret. 



Reflection 10-21-21

Today in class we did sources. The easiest one to find was the image source. I did the image source first and went to EasyBib to find the MLA format. I went to Galileo to find some articles and magazines. It’s kind of hard to use, but then I got the hang of it.  I’m going to be able to find 10 sources in no time I believe.

Reflection 10-20-21

I missed school today, and went to the doctor. I woke up and my ear was hurting. My mom sent me to the doctor, and I found out that I have an ear infection. My doctor prescribed me some medicine and suggested I don’t go to work tomorrow. I rested for sometime and did some work.

Reflection 8-19-21

Today in class we learned about gender roles. Sex is the biological characteristics with which a person is born. There is a difference between sex and gender. Whereas gender is the learned attitudes and behaviors that characterize people of one sex or the other. We also learned the difference between nature and nurture. Nature is more fixed and nurture is changeable.

Reflection 10-18-21

Today in class we took a chapter quiz. It was easier than I thought, I stumbled on a few questions. I’m glad I read the night before to remember the information. The question that was the easiest to me was: Why was it ironic that Cheryl was 22 when her mom was diagnosed with cancer? I answered immediately, almost gave it no thought. I’m pretty confident about the test.

Reflection 10-15

 Today in class we read the prologue of Wild. While reading the prologue we answered 6 questions. The questions help us to relate to what the author was experiencing. We also worked on our projects once we finished. In this part of our project we had to find sources to go along with the prompt we made. We use ebsco database to do this. Each member of our group has to have 10 for a total of 30 sources. 

Reflection 9-14-21

 Today in class I attempted to read the first chapter of Wild. I say this because before I even finished the first sentence I was asleep. This nap was very needed. Once I woke up I read the prologue. In the prologue you get a sense that she went through a lot of trauma. I'm excited to get into the first chapter. 

Reflection 9-13-21

 Today I took the PSAT so I didn't have to do the Benchmark assessment. The PSAT was challenging the Reading and writing portions were much easier than the math. Once getting in the class I read the the book and caught up on past assignments. I'm really happy that we didn't have to do this benchmark because it would've gotten zero effort. I really enjoyed class today it gave me free time to recover from the PSAT. 

Reflection 9-12-21

 Today in class we went over the steps to complete the second part of our group projects. The second part of our project is finding sources. You must reach the EBSCO database. The first step is to narrow our topic. Next, set the date of the results to 2011-21. After completing this step you should scan over at least 6 results. Then you must read the abstract , and click on the pdf.  


  I plan to save enough money for a car by the summer. I will achieve this by continuously saving and never taking money out of my savings. This plan is very important to me because I send too much money a month on Ubers. Its a big investment but it'll definitely be worth it. This plan won't be as complicated because Kayla and I are saving for the car together.This is achievable because we have more than enough time.

Someone I forgot

  I forgot my old best friend from elementary school. My old best friend's name is Ashary. We were best friends in pre-k and kindergarten. I can vividly remember that her family was Christian, and strict. I also remember that we went to Monkey Joes once and had a really good time. I haven't talked to her since I was in 3rd grade. If I saw her today I wouldn’t know who she was. In conclusion, I forgot my old best friend from elementary school.

No fun

  I haven't been having any fun recently. I work, go to school, and do chores so my free time has been limited. I work 5 days of the week, out of these two are weekend days. On my two off days I go to school, and do chores once I get home. I finally realized this when all of my friends were at the homecoming game while I was at work. I feel the pressure of wanting to be successful is deterring me from not quitting my job. Even if I quit my job I wouldn’t be able to do anything because I wouldn't have the money. 

Something I have too much of

  I have too many personal care items.I have an obsession with Victoria’s Secret Pink perfume, the scent ,warm and cozy, and anything made by Tree Hut. Ever so often I make  a large purchase on PINK and Ulta Beauty.  When ordering Pink I get different personal care items but only in the warm and cozy scent. I purchase the perfume in the regular and mini size, the lotion in the regular and mini size,body wash, hand sanitizer, and hand soap.On Ulta Beauty I purchase Tree Hut body scrubs, body wash , and face scrub. Over time I have filled my entire chest of drawers up with these items.In conclusion, I have too many personal care items.   

Inappropriately dressed for an Occasion

  I’ve inappropriately dressed for occasions. In particular I’ve underdressed when going to a wake.  I'm not one to wear dresses or dress up at all. I like to be comfortable so I usually just wear leggings, or sweatpants, and a graphic tee. This day I had my baggiest attire on, and felt completely odd. It wasn't necessarily my fault because I wasn’t informed where we were going. In addition, my family let me walk out the house looking as I was about to go to bed. In conclusion, I inappropriately dressed for a wake.