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Showing posts from February, 2022


 Today in class, I went to Ms.Gilmore's class. This is because you weren't here. The teachers class that we went to said that if we had a favorite teachers that wouldn't mind us going then we could go.  

Reflection: 2-17-22

 Today in class we finished reading fences. It was really interesting to see how things played out. I do wish there was more though. I was surprised that Troy and Cory never reconciled their relationship. I loved the play and can’t wait to go home and watch it. 

Reflection: 2-16-22

 Today i did y come to school because i wasn’t feeling well. I had a stomachache. I spent the bulk of my day binge watching my favorite Netflix show. I will be going back to school tomorrow though.  

Reflection; 2-15-22

 Today in class we continued reading Fences. Their son Cory wants to play football. The son knowns that it won’t be a career.  But his father insist that he won’t be playing. Instead he wants him reacquire job at the A&P. 

Reflection: 2-14-22

Today in class we read the play called Fences. The play was very interesting.  It was off to a great start. The main character is Rose and Troy. Troy seems to be a stern father from what we’ve read.  

Reflection: 2-10-22

 Today in class we presented our commercial. The class started with us practicing the performance for 25 minutes . We assigned roles and and filled out the paper. Our performance was definitely the best in the class. We worked the hardest and I'm pretty sure it was the longest. 

Reflection: 2-9-22

 Today in class we watched many videos that used rhetoric. In the videos they compared Mac an PC. The mac was always better.    After this we were assigned a project. Our group was assigned to fast food, we had to find 2 that oppose each others values, but have similar items.  We ended up choosing Popeye's and Chick-fil-a. 

Reflection: 2-8-22

Today in class we scored responses to yesterday’s assignment. The first essay we scored was a 2. That’s because they failed to analyze the strategies, had a lack of development, organization and a lack of control. It was only 1 long paragraph. It also didn’t have enough info. The second essay we scored was a 6. The six is the score that we all strive to get. The second essay had adequately analyzed the strategies. It only had lapses in diction.


 Today in class we analyzed an eulogy. The eulogy was written by Margaret Thatcher. We also discussed the format of the rhetorical analysis essay. I was really taken aback by the fact that we only have 7-10 minutes to analyze and plan the essay out. I’ll have to practice very hard to be successful. Todays class wasn’t very energetic, but it was still informative. 

Reflection: 2-4-22

 Today in Mr,reases class we worked on analyzing the poem “ Dear Basketball”

Reflection: 2-3-22

 Today in class we read Maya Angelou's poem called the " The Black family Pledge." This poem pointed out the problem with the new generations ways. It called for everyone to come together to work to change our ways. it mentioned how we as a whole take the work of our ancestor for granted. It was crazy because I for one know that I am guilty of this.  Today's class was pretty good. 

Reflection: 2-2-22

 Today in class we had a deep discussion about black history month. I do feel that black history month is an important staple of the black community. The bulk of information that I do know about our history and our contributions have been taught in this month. I definitely would be a bit clueless if it wasn't for this month. 

Reflection: 2-1-22

Today I didn't attend school. I had a orthodontist appointment. I haven't been since the school year began. My mother was always rescheduling because our schedules. I do know that Mr.Rease wasn't here today because he let us know yesterday.